
Welcome to my Blogshop window

Here is some of the best in LGBTQ fiction, all in one place! I intend to run a shop window for different seasons/themes several times a year, depending on the interest. Browse and buy books in the genres and themes you love best. P lease promote this wherever you can . The terms and conditions: This is *only* a shop window display, for marketing purposes. No files are hosted here.... All links lead to an option to buy. All money from the sales goes to the authors themselves. I may accrue affiliate fees from Amazon click-throughs, but otherwise this is purely me offering a voluntary opportunity for my genre. All the books featured are with the authors' consent and welcome. All the details and links are the responsibility of and wholly attributed to the authors themselves. This is not intended to be a permanent resource, but just for a limited season. The inclusion of any book is, in the final event, subject to my discretion. If you have any queries / would like your book...